
Storytelling helps you to better connect with novel and unknown ideas.


  • Dauer
    Long (more than 1 hour)
  • Schwierigkeit
  • Gruppengrösse
    1 bis 100 Personen

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Genaue Beschreibung

A story can help you to identify with the content, the protagonists and the central message. These specific settings enable you to understand complex issues. The story should be authentic, exciting and plausible. Most essential is a common thread that connects all the elements of the story, but also catches our attention and evokes emotions.


Story steps


1. Finding a topic: What makes the product/service unique, what is the central message and what mission/values are connected to it?


2. Plot: Use the plot to capture everything that is associated with it, e.g. emotions, characters and so forth.


3. Reduction: Choose and decide on the essential factors, to bring the story to the point.


4. Dramaturgy: Utilise all the elements that make up a story. Plan the dramaturgical structure carefully and do not determine everything in the beginning. Allow for growth.


5. Conclusion: Is there a happy ending? What mood does the story convey, and exactly how can it motivate us?

Tipps aus der Praxis

What does a good story need?


1. A perspective that carries the story.


2. The place and time (setting).


3. A protagonist/protagonists /heroes /antagonists, helpers.


4. Conflict. What obstacles must be overcome?


5. A fundamental topic like love, hate, birth or death.


6. A common thread, elements of tension and suspense.


7. Decorative elements, embellishments.


8. A rhythm, via the use of different paces.


9. A conclusion at the end.


10. A call to action. (What can I, the viewer, do?


  • Paper and pencil


Author: Thomas Duschlbauer. Der Querdenker: Das Toolkit mit 30 ausgewählten Methoden (German); ISBN: 9783907100639

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